We focus on mixed vegetable and cut flower production, growing in fields and greenhouses. We practice low-till, regenerative agriculture and adhere to the principles of agroecology, which is defined by the National Farmers Union as a holistic approach to food production that uses—and creates—social, cultural, economic and environmental knowledge to promote food sovereignty, social justice, economic sustainability, and healthy agricultural ecosystems.
Spring Tide Farm is certified organic by EcoCert Canada.
Going into our fourth season of production, we are looking forward to expanding our Community Supported Agriculture program, developing new local markets, and increasing our flower production.

I'm Jessie
In addition to farming part-time, Jessie (she/her) is a PhD candidate with Dr. Annette Desmarais in the Department of Environment and Geography at the University of Manitoba. Jessie is on the Board of Directors of the National Farmers Union (NFU) in Nova Scotia and is the co-chair of the International Programs Committee of the NFU, the committee that works hand in hand with transnational agrarian movement La Via Campesina.

I'm Rebecca
Rebecca (she/her) is a first generation farmer and flower enthusiast. Rebecca works full-time on the farm and is responsible for all day-to-day field production. She currently works for the NFU in Nova Scotia.
Local. Agroecological. Sustainable.
We pride ourselves on growing high quality vegetables and flowers that feed not only our community, but the earth and all the creatures in and around the farm. We grow over 40 varieties of vegetables and over 60 different varieties of flowers. We are always keen to try new things and experiment with what grows best in our climate. As farmers, our livelihood is at the whim of an ever-changing climate and market conditions, which is why we are very politically engaged and solidarity-minded.
We consider sustainability (environmental, economic, and social) in all aspects of our operation and aspire to make decisions rooted in justice. The practice, movement, and science of agroecology guide our farm and the way we interact with our community. We're happy to share more of our farming philosophy with you, so reach out if you'd like to know more!